
您所在的位置:网站首页 python 中文支持 Python(1):python代码中支持支持中文字符,读取xml文件,及比较文字字符串问题


2023-08-31 16:45| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

摘要: 一般性的python不支持中文字符,就算是注释都不行,



当然了是因为编码问题,细节内容可查看: 人家发现问题了,然后也给出了解决方法(你可以设定你的代码的编码方式):

> Defining the Encoding > Python will default to ASCII as standard encoding if no other > encoding hints are given. > ***To define a source code encoding, a magic comment must > be placed into the source files either as first or second > line in the file, such as:*** > # coding= > or (using formats recognized by popular editors) > #!/usr/bin/python > # -*- coding: -*- > or > #!/usr/bin/python > # vim: set fileencoding= : > More precisely, the first or second line must match the regular > expression "^[ \t\v]*#.*?coding[:=][ \t]*([-_.a-zA-Z0-9]+)". > The first group of this > expression is then interpreted as encoding name. If the encoding > is unknown to Python, an error is raised during compilation. There > must not be any Python statement on the line that contains the > encoding declaration. If the first line matches the second line > is ignored. > > To aid with platforms such as Windows, which add Unicode BOM marks > to the beginning of Unicode files, the UTF-8 signature > '\xef\xbb\xbf' will be interpreted as 'utf-8' encoding as well > (even if no magic encoding comment is given). > > If a source file uses both the UTF-8 BOM mark signature and a > magic encoding comment, the only allowed encoding for the comment > is 'utf-8'. Any other encoding will cause an error.

于是乎你就可以在代码中定义代码的编码方式(在第一行或者第二行定义编码方式): 例如

**# coding=utf-8** kk='文字' print kk 执行

$python 输出:

文字 如果没有”# coding=utf-8”: kk='文字' print kk 输出为: SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xe6' in file on line 9, but no encoding declared; see for details

2.python 读取xml文件

要读取的xml文件格式,VOC2007. VOC2007 000001.jpg The VOC2007 Database PASCAL VOC2007 flickr 341012865 Fried Camels Jinky the Fruit Bat 353 500 3 0 dog Left 1 0 48 240 195 371 person Left 1 0 8 12 352 498 读取方式: `import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET #xml的解析库 import os import cPickle import numpy as np

def readxml(filename): tree = ET.parse(filename)#加载并且解析xml文件,tree为根节点. objs = tree.findall(‘object’) #在根节点上寻找node num_objs = len(objs)# for ix, obj in enumerate(objs):#遍历objs的下标和内容 bbox = obj.find(‘objectbox’) x1 = float(bbox.find(‘xmin’).text) y1 = float(bbox.find(‘ymin’).text) x2 = float(bbox.find(‘xmax’).text) y2 = float(bbox.find(‘ymax’).text) ******


先瞎扯点: 项目实在faster-rcnn下做车辆检测.所以自己做了个标注工具,matlab实现,name,color,pose等参数是汉字存储的.而fasterrcnn是基于VOC的标注数据格式,以上参数均为英文.所以修改了fasterrcnn的数据读取接口,将汉字类转化为英文字符. 在自己标注的xml文件,头行显示为: 为 utf-8编码 假如我用2中的方法获取了一个节点的内容: name = obj.find('name') 而在xml中name的内容是”宠物”,则name=宠物 那么通过type(),可以查看bbox内容格式: print type(name) 输出: 至于unicode是何意思,自行百度. 又如果我要判断是”宠物”,我将bbox设为”chong wu”则可以用下列代码实现: name = obj.find('name')# name="宠物"这里是unicode格式 if name=='宠物'.decode('utf-8'):#这里的"宠物"是< string>格式,所以需要修改编码格式 name='chongwu' ‘宠物’.decode(‘utf-8’) ,的意思是将”宠物”重编码为’utf-8’格式.这样就可以比较了. (重编码前”宠物”是 < type ‘string’>格式,所以无法比较.)




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